Lyrics to Traditional Finnish Folk Songs
All of
these songs (and 70 others) can be found in my new book of
Finnish songs and tunes, I Sing To You. Click on a title for the Finnish lyrics
and a short description of the meaning of each verse. The book
includes sing-able English
lyrics as well as the Finnish lyrics. Click here
to see an example of the English lyrics.
- Ei Tämä Tyttö (Not This Girl)
- Herra Petteri Kamarissa (Mister Petteri in a Bedroom)
- Honkain Keskellä (Amid the Pines)
- Hyvää Iltaa Nyt Kullalleis (Good Evening to Your Darling)
- Jos Meidän Kaivosta Vesi Loppuun (If Our Well Runs Out of Water)
- Jos Sais Kerran Reissullansa (If I Could Once On My Travels)
- Joulupuu on Rakennettu (The Christmas Tree is Decorated)
- Kalliolle Kukkulalle (On the Clifftop)
- Kesäilta (Summer Evening)
- Keitä Te Ootte (Who Are You?)
- Käin Minä Kaunista Kangasta Myöten (I Walked Among a Beautiful Boreal Forest)
- Lauantai-ilta (Saturday Evening)
- Maa Oli Musta (The Ground Was Black)
- Minun Kultani (My Darling)
- Olin Minä Muinoin Paimenpoika (I Was a Shepherd a Long Time Ago)
- Ootkos Kuulu Meidän Pässiä (Have You Heard Our Ram?)
- Syntymistään Sureva (Lamenting My Birth)
- Tuulantei (Tuulantei)
- Vaka Vanha Väinämöinen (Old and Steadfast Väinämöinen)
- Velisurmaaja (The Brother Murderer)
- Yksi, Kaksi Kolme, Neljä (One, Two, Three, Four)
- Isontalon Antti (Antti Isotalo)
- Morsiamen Itketys (The Bride's Weeping)
- Kulkurin Valssi (The Waltz of a Vagabond)
- Aamulla Varhain (Early in the Morning)
- Taivas on Sininen Ja Valkoinen (The Sky is Blue and White)
- Rosvo Roope (Robber Roope)
- Muurari (The Mason)
- Kataja on Kaunis Puu (The Juniper is a Beautiful Tree)
- Tääll' Yksinäni Laulelen (Here I Am Singing Alone)
Other Songs
I don't have translations to these songs, at this time, but Finnish lyrics are available; just click on the title.