There are songs for beginners as well as more advanced
players. All the songs in this book can be played by
changing only one string from F to F#. Many tunes include
accompaniments for a piccolo five string.
The e-book includes song files (in .mp3 format) so you
can hear how each kantele part sounds by itself or with
other parts.
Table of Contents
- Editor's Note
- Grandmother's
Cradlesong by Hiroko Ara Click
on title to see this page.
- A Tiskit, A Taskit - Traditional American
- The Harvest Men by Lani K.Thompson
- Autumn by Scott Miller
- Melkutus - Traditional Finnish
- Nannon's Song by Rhiannon Woollard
- Amber Hearts by Lani K. Thompson
- Waltz From Lapinlahti Traditional Finnish
- Paholaisen Marssi - Traditional Finnish
- Rykälinnun Laulu - Traditional Finnish
- Churchbells of Konevitsa - Traditional Finnish
- Käin Minä Kaunista Kangasta Myöten - Traditional
- Triplets by David D. Thompson
- Raindrops by David D. Thompson
- Ode to Loon Song (Simplified) by David D. Thompson
- Tanssisävelmiä From Lapinlahti - Traditional
- Laulu by Scott Miller
- Promises by Lani K. Thompson
- Väinämöinen's
Birth by Lani K. Thompson
Click on title to see this page.
- Ukko Dancingg by Lani K. Thompson
- Velisurmaaja - Traditional Finnish
- Onko Niin - Traditional Finnish
- Tottele - Traditional Finnish
- Hyvää Iltaa Nytkullalleis - Traditional Finnish
- A Minor Waltz by John Nurmi
- Forest Walk by John Nurmi
- Ode to Loon Song by David D. Thompson
- Little Bouncing Ball by Lani K. Thompson
- Turn-About by Scott Miller
- Tanssi by Scott Miller
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody - traditional American
- The Baby Crocodile by Rhiannon Woollard
- Daddy's Eyes by Lani K. Thompson
- Banks of the Ohio - traditional American
- Little Acorns by Lani K. Thompson
- Jelly Bears by Lani K. Thompson
- Kalevala
Hymn by Lani K. Thompson Click
on title to see this page.
- Lindsey's Song by Lindsey Woollard
- Chipmunks by Lani K. Thompson
- Skipping Along by Lani K. Thompson
- Yet the Birch Tree Sings by Lani K. Thompson
- Karhupeijaispolska - traditional Finnish
- Sparkles by John Nurmi
- Tuuti Tuuti - traditional Finnish
- Ukko Noah - traditional Finnish
- Kakkuri - traditional Finnish
- Tikan Tanssi - traditional Finnish
- Beautiful Brown Eyes - traditional American
- Pekka's Piccolo by Lani K. Thompson
- Magic
Sampo by Lani K. Thompson Click
on title to see this page.
- Working in the Meadow by Lani K. Thompson
- Eine Kleiner by David D. Thompson
- 5x5 by David D. Thompson
- About the Composers