hear the harp of Väinämöinen...

Sheet Music

This music is copyrighted and protected by US copyright law. You are free to download and play these songs for your own personal entertainment, but this music cannot be sold or have multiple copies distributed without my prior written permission. If you have any questions, or would like permission, please  email me.

Click on a title to go to that song.

  1. Väinämoinen's Birth "Lovely daughter of the Ether, Water Mother has become...." This 5 string version of my song appears in Fishbone.

  2. Ballad of the Red Maid "In Agamaur, there lived a maid..." This song was inspired by the Lord of the Rings online game which I love playing. A simplified version of this song, with simpler chords and just the melody line can be found in my book, My First Kantele.

  3. Blue Stockings The "woman in long blue stockings" was an image that stuck in my head for years...so I wrote a song for her. You can find it in my book Compleat Chords For The Kantele.

  4. Ei Tämä Tyttö My 10 string arrangement of "Not This Girl" (with Finnish lyrics) can be found in My Kantele Is My Teacher.

  5. Great Is The Desolation Of Your Shore (On Suuri Sun Rantas Autius) This song, with Finnish and sing-able English lyrics can be found in my book, I Sing To You...along with 99 other songs and tunes.

  6. The Handle on the Banana This song was inspired by a game my (then) 2 year old grandson and I used to play together. Players take turns thinking of funny things to do with the "handle" on the banana!

  7. Tuulantei This is my arrangement (with Finnish lyrics) of one of my favorite Finnish songs. I've included it in My Kantele Is My Teacher...along with 35 other songs.

  8. Vagabond's Waltz (Kulkurin Valssi) "A wedding's held in the castle of counts. The bride wears a crown on her head...." This song, with Finnish and sing-able English lyrics can be found in my book, I Sing To You...along with 99 other songs and tunes.